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πŸ” PPMs explained

Audience: FaultFixers Admins, Managers. How to navigate PPMs & Occurrences.

Updated over a week ago

What are PPMs

Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) tasks are recurring maintenance jobs designed to ensure the smooth operation of your facilities. PPMs are especially valuable for compliance and reporting purposes, enabling teams to efficiently manage and execute routine maintenance tasks.

How to create PPMs

To create a PPM in FaultFixers Web, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the left-hand side menu in FaultFixers Web.

2. Click on the blue "New" button as seen in the image below to initiate the PPM creation process.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions to assign the PPM to a specific building, location, and user.

4.Β Set the Schedule: In the final step, specify the frequency at which the task should occur (e.g., weekly). For more detailed information on how to create PPMs, have a look atΒ this article.

PPMs can be:

  • Duplicated: clone a PPM to quickly assign it to the same, or another Building by using the "Duplicate" button. For more information on how to clone PPMs, go to this article.

  • Edited: reassign it to someone else, modify the due date, or change the priority by clicking on the "Edit" button.

  • Deleted: if needed, PPMs can be deleted by using the "Delete" button that appears in the image above.

How to navigate PPMs

Inside the PPM, you can view essential details such as the next due date, the building where the task takes place, the frequency, and the number of times it has been completed (found under "Occurrences" at the bottom).

What are Occurrences

To track individual PPM task completions, scroll down to the Occurrences list. In each occurrence, you can find:

  • Completed or in-progress forms.

  • PPM Occurrence history, costing, comments, and associated media.

Within an Occurrence, the PPM information will appear as seen in the image below:

How to navigate the PPM Task list

PPMs can be filtered by using the funnel icon as shown below:

The columns displaying PPMs can be reorganized by dragging and dropping them in the desired order. The list can be tailored to the columns needed by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines and subsequently clicking on the 3 vertical lines that appear, as shown in the image here:

The PPM list can also be exported: by right-clicking on the PPM list > CSV Export.

If you need more help, you can always get in touch with us at

Happy Days! πŸ˜€

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