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πŸ“© How to update user email addresses

Read this is you want to know how to change/update the email address for a user

Updated over a year ago

Updating your own email address

On FaultFixers Web

  1. Log into your account and click on My Account from the avatar in the top right.

  2. Enter the new email address you would like into the email field

  3. Click 'SAVE'

All done 🎊

Updating your own email address

On the FaultFixers Teams App

  1. Log into your account and click on the My Account tab.

  2. Enter the new email address you would like into the email field

  3. Click 'SAVE'

All done 🎊

Updating an email address for another user in Your Team?

To update an email address for a user within your team, you will need Manage Team permissions to access the Team Management area of your account.

  1. Log into your Account on the web and click Team on the left hand navigation

  2. Find the user you want to update and click the "..." actions button

  3. Click Change Details

  4. Edit the email address in the pop up and click save

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